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Crane Accident

Crane Accident

Construction accidents result in injury and damage, which oftentimes result from negligence and/or the malfunction of construction or commercial equipment. Crane accidents can be classified as a subgenre of construction accidents. Eponymously, a crane accident results in any injury or damage resulting from the operation of a crane.

What is a Crane?

A crane is a piece of mechanical equipment that is utilized to lift and move heavy objects. Cranes consist of a large arm that extends from a base. While the earliest incarnation of cranes were mounted and operated by lever and pulley systems, the most advanced cranes can extend hundreds of feet while being mounted from vehicles or various platforms. Due to their large size(s), cranes can not only lift heavy objects, but also move them to otherwise unreachable destinations due to locational restriction(s).

Why do Crane Accidents Occur?

Crane accidents can occur for a variety of reasons, but the most common types of crane accidents result from two primary causes: malfunction and negligence. Due to its height and complex mechanical design, even the simplest flaw within a crane’s construction can result in a crane accident, regardless of the integrity and experience of its operator. However, in the event that an individual is not skilled in crane operation, or is operating the crane in a negligent, unsafe manner, a crane can be an extremely dangerous piece of machinery.

What are Some Types of Crane Accidents?

Damage or injury as a result of a dropped item is a rather common crane accident. Although the causes for this type of crane accident are vast, should a crane drop an item that it was being operated to move, the results can be catastrophic. The weight of the object, in addition to its elevation, can contribute to the severity of the damage or injury sustained by the collision.

Damage or injury as a result from a crane’s hook is another type of crane accident. Most cranes utilize a hook affixed to the arm in order to grasp and lift objects. However, the hook itself can be quite heavy. Unfastened hooks permitted to swing wildly can cause property damage, as well as personal injury depending on the velocity.

Damage or injury resulting from an unbalanced or improperly mounted crane has resulted in many crane accidents. In the event that the weight of the object being lifted exceeds that of the mount, cranes have been known to topple or tip. This type of accident not only poses a danger for individuals and items surrounding the crane, but also to the crane operators themselves.

How to Investigate a Crane Accident?

Cranes, akin to all types of construction equipment and machinery, must be operated, inspected, maintained, and utilized in proper fashion. Furthermore, cranes must operate within the legal parameters of a construction zone. The unsafe or unlawful operation of a crane can not only result in property damage, but injury as well. Attorneys specializing in construction accidents will be able to assist individuals in assessing damage and injuries sustained by crane accidents, as well as assist in the research and accumulation of construction zone operational codes.

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